In just two weeks we’ll be finding our fav festy fits and getting our fav festy wristbands!
As we approach the ninth edition of Treefort Music Fest in Boise, we wanted to update y’all on all the status of tickets, bands, programming and more!
We are sticking to our commitment to limit the capacity at Treefort this year to help execute on our COVID Safety Goals. Like we’ve been saying all along…this festival will feel a bit different. 
The September edition of Treefort will be mostly a passholder-only festival.
We are nearing the capacity of Treefort 9 because we’re being extremely precautious due to COVID-19 surges.
- There will be NO WALKUP SALES at any music venues (except for Main Stage, depending on capacity)
- There will be WALKUP SALES available for Main Stage, Filmfort, Foodfort, Dragfort, Yogafort and Hackfort (pending capacity on-site). However, you must still go through the TMF Pre-Check Party Zone in order to get into the venue.
- 5-day and 1-day full festival ADVANCE PASSES are still available online, but hustle up, there is a limited capacity and they’re going quick!
- You may also buy ADVANCE TICKETS for Knitting Factory and Main Stage online now (under á la carte tickets).
We are almost sold out!
Just a reminder that things change.
The Treefort schedule is a living and breathing document.
- Many bands and artists have moved around on the lineup and schedule, so be sure to CHECK YOUR SCHEDULE on the the app, even during the festival.
- Some venues and artists may REQUIRE MASKS at their performance(s). We will have on-site signage indicating such and it will appear on the app schedule as “Mask Required”
- We’ve limited ADVANCE TICKETS to Foodfort’s Street Eats and Farm to Fest events, so get your’s now while you can!
- Dust off your quads — new additions to the schedule at SKATEFORT include rollerskating demos, dances and more!
- Looking to experience Treefort under the beautiful Boise sun? Search “OUTDOORS” on the schedule within the app to find all of our outside stages and events!
Get Treefort ready.
Despite what the internet trolls say, we really do care.
- DOWNLOAD BINDLE & have your entry pass ready to quickly make your way through the TMF Pre-Check Party Zone
- VACCINATED? Hell yeah! Find your card & have your proof ready, or better yet, upload it into Bindle!
- PCR TEST? Alright! Make sure you take your test no earlier than Monday, September 20th and upload the results into Bindle.
- We highly encourage everyone to WEAR A MASK at Treefort when you’re in a line or not eating/drinking, especially indoors.
- All attendees must adhere to our HEALTH PLEDGE, you may find it here.