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San Jose, CA

Considered one of the foundational bands of the indie-punk genre, Shinobu has been cited as an influence by both Joyce Manor and Touché Amoré. But back in 2002, when they began, they mostly seemed to confuse audiences. Back then, they used to describe their unique mixture of punk spirit, improvisational energy, and indie rock sensibility as “kind of loud and annoying,” in their self-written band bio. “Too underappreciated for too long,” is how Vice described them in 2015, when the band released their last album, the kaleidoscopic 10 Thermidor.

Now, ten years later, Shinobu is back with an anniversary reissue of 10 Thermidor on Lauren Records, and accompanying tour with their classic line-up. Both their most respected and most conceptual album, 10 Thermidor is an indie rock fever dream of interrupted revolutions and traumatic echoes. Musically ambitious and dreamily detached, the album was described as “soft but intense” by Punknews, and “fun, catchy, strong,” by Dying Scene, upon initial release. Its re-release via Lauren Records follows a 15-year anniversary version of their previous album Strange Spring Air (2009) on animated zoetrope vinyl.

In their original run, Shinobu were at the front of a wave of millennial DIY indie-punk bands on Asian Man Records, who released their second album, Worstward, Ho!, in 2005. After becoming friends with labelmates Bomb the Music Industry!, the band released their next two albums, Strange Spring Air and 10 Thermidor, on Jeff Rosenstock’s Quote Unquote Records (with vinyl co-released by Lauren Records and Really Records).

Though few got to see Shinobu in their original run, modern audiences can now experience their explosive live shows on this rare west coast tour with legendary Japanese punk band Ging Nang Boyz. It’s only appropriate that they reappear now, ten years after an album about echoes and reoccurrences.

Some might call it a reunion tour. Let’s call it the same dream again.