Lightning Talks

Thu 3/21, 2:00 pm – 2:50 pm
Boise Centre East #410C
Gather round for some short-form, rapid-fire, low-budget, passionate presentations about topics these experts care about. Topics include:

Educate in 3D: A New Dimension of Learning -Julez Gonzalez (Merge Creative, LLC.)
Breaking the Ice: Networking Tips for Introverted Techies - Liz Taylor
From Crypto Wallet to Avatar: A Lightning Journey into the Metaverse -Raymond Kramer
Community Connections through Gaming - Julez Gonzalez (Merge Creative, LLC.)
Trends in Immersive Audio - David Reyes
And more?

Educate in 3D: A New Dimension of Learning - Julez Gonzalez (Merge Creative, LLC.)
Come see how open-source-accessible learning tools are changing the education landscape. Don't just follow along in person, join us here in a 3D environment:

From Crypto Wallet to Avatar: A Lightning Journey into the Metaverse - Raymond Kramer
This talk dives into the shift from Web 1.0 to the decentralized worlds of Web 3.0, highlighting the crucial role of crypto wallets in navigating virtual worlds like Decentraland and The Sandbox. Learn how NFTs and decentralization empower your digital identity and ownership across multiple avatars. Perfect for anyone curious about the future of digital interaction and the evolving landscape of the metaverse.

Community Connections through Gaming - Julez Gonzalez (Merge Creative, LLC.)
From Reddit to Roblox, and Discord to Fortnite, let's not forget about VRChat! All across the internet people are finding community. What are they up to?

Breaking the Ice: Networking Tips for Introverted Techies - Liz Taylor
Explore the unique challenges introverted tech professionals face when networking and provide practical tips to make the process more comfortable and enjoyable. From effective preparation techniques to mastering body language and conversation starters, we'll delve into strategies that empower introverts to navigate networking events with confidence. Discover how to leverage technology, overcome networking anxiety, and embrace opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Trends in Immersive Audio - David Reyes
Unlike traditional audio, which is typically delivered in a flat, two-dimensional format, spatial audio simulates the way sound behaves in the real world, providing a sense of direction, distance, and depth. Come hear and experience spatial audio.