The Entrepreneurial Artist: Building and Protecting Your Music Business

Fri 3/22, 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Boise Centre East #420A
If you are making money (or hope to make money!) from your music, you are essentially an entrepreneur operating a business. How can emerging artists build sustainable businesses? Start by organizing your business as an entity and securing your intellectual property rights through registration, split sheets, band agreements, and/or shareholder agreements. Industry experts and veterans will discuss the benefits of forming a legal entity for your music business; protecting your intellectual property through fair agreements with your collaborators, team members and third parties such as labels, managers, agents, and venues. Simply, a little due diligence now can help make for smooth transactions and protect you when things go wrong. Signing the right agreements, and knowing when to say "no" to giving up rights, can open the doors to more opportunities for your music to be heard and protect your interests long term.
Music Talks