Lock Picking Lounge

Sat 3/23, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Boise Centre East #400
Do you ever walk out of action or spy movie curious on your own capabilities to either escape (or break-in) to a locked room or locking mechanism? Well, obtaining the actual skill is not that far-fetched, and we are here to teach you the trade. Back at Hackfort by popular demand, join us all day Saturday for an interactive experience designed to give every person the chance to sit down, relax, and learn the basics of picking locks!

The lounge will provide all the necessary expertise of hobbyist pros and locksmiths for teaching, supplies for picking, and even advanced challenges of real-world locks.

Lock Picking is for EVERYONE, of all ages, creeds, and experiences, so who's to say you can't get as obsessed with this as much as us? You never know when it will come in handy...